The next meeting of the God and Country Christian Alliance is Monday, May 20, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Moore's Old Tyme BBQ in New Bern.
During the last meeting of the God and Country Christian Alliance on Monday April 15, 2024, we distributed the proposed update to the by-laws as recommended by Pastor Jim Kohr, Michael Speciale, and Jerry Schill, and we emailed the update to all members. Text highlighted in yellow are additions and text highlighted in red are deletions. We also emailed the proposed update on May 8th and will have paper copies available at Monday's meeting.
Proposed Update to GCCA By-Laws
Our main agenda item during this meeting will be discussion of the proposed updates and the drafting of a final version, incorporating any changes made during the meeting, which will be sent to the membership-at-large on Tuesday May 21st. Anyone wishing to present additional updates during the meeting needs to present them in writing at the meeting or via mail or email to the Chairman prior to the meeting. A vote on the final version will be held during the meeting on June 17, 2024 without further discussion. Voting is limited to members in good standing, who are identified as those who have signed the original Membership Application and are current on their annual dues.
If you haven't renewed your membership for 2024 or haven't signed the original Membership application, please do so during the next meeting. Annual membership is still only $10 per person and $15 per family. You can also download & email us your completed Membership or renewal form and go to our website and pay your membership dues using a credit card at RENEW. If you want to submit the forms or pay your dues by mail, please download & complete the applicable form and mail it to us with your check.
Membership Renewal Application
This meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 pm. Those who wish to eat and fellowship prior to the meeting are encouraged to arrive between 6:00 and 6:30. Please let the servers know you are with the GCCA when you arrive and leave a tip for them when you leave.