2024 GENERAL ELECTION voter guide
The voter guide below was compiled by the God & Country Christian Alliance and Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association
In compiling this Voter Guide, we emailed/mailed questionnaires to all local & state office and judicial candidates appearing on the General election ballots in Carteret, Craven, and Onslow counties to give voters in our organizations and the community some information on which to base their voting decisions. The candidates that provided responses are included in this Voter Guide grouped by the office that they're running for.
“Christians are dual citizens. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God by faith in Jesus Christ (Phil. 3:20). We are also citizens of an earthly “kingdom”. Consequently, we have obligations in both realms. Jesus commanded: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” (Matt. 22:21). As citizens of God’s Kingdom, we are to serve Jesus above all others as the King of Kings. As citizens of America, we are to submit to the civil government and obey the just laws of the land as a positive witness (1 Peter 2:15-17; Romans 13:1-7).” 1
“Americans are blessed to have, as Abraham Lincoln put it, a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Have you noticed that the original parchment of the Constitution begins “We The People” in big, bold letters? The bottom line: Our American form of government requires our active involvement. How can we “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s” as citizens in America today? By praying for our officials, engaging government policy by speaking out on moral and social issues, serving in the military, holding public office, and voting!” 2
The results of this year’s voting will affect what laws are passed both in Washington DC and Raleigh, how our County government and schools are run & what curriculum is taught to our children, and how our laws are enforced & prosecuted. As the enemies of God continue to attack Him and His institutions, we need to elect people whose emphasis is on pleasing God, rely daily on the providence of God, and desire to spread the praise of God.
But before we vote this year we need to do three things. First, we need to pray for God’s will to be done in our local, state, and national government. Second, we need to research the candidates by using the voter guide below, along with those from organizations like the NC Family Policy Council and NC Values Coalition. It’s important to know who the candidates are BEFORE going to vote. Be prepared so that you can make an informed decision. Third, register and VOTE! You can register during early voting at any precinct in your county. There are so many opportunities available for us to vote that there is no excuse for not voting.
For Carteret County, information about where, when, and how to vote, can be found at: https://www.carteretcountync.gov/475/Current-Election
For Craven County, information about where, when, and how to vote can be found at https://www.cravencountync.gov/1497/Voter-Information
For Onslow County, information about where, when, and how to vote can be found at: https://www.onslowcountync.gov/373/Board-of-Elections
The North Carolina State Board of Elections Judicial Voter Guide can be found at: https://www.ncsbe.gov/voting/upcoming-election/judicial-voter-guide-2024-general-election
The North Carolina Values Coalition Party Platform Comparison chart can be viewed and downloaded at:
So don’t just sit idly by and let our liberty and freedoms erode away - do something!
Family Research Council; Community Impact Team Resource Manual; 2011